Muslim Community COVID-19 Recovery Forum Report 2022

The Islamic Council of NSW (ICNSW) is committed to helping the Muslim community recover and thrive post COVID-19.

To understand the challenges experienced by the community during the pandemic and establish a plan for recovery and beyond, ICNSW established a Muslim community COVID-19 recovery forum and conducted field interviews with over 100 stakeholders.

This report summarises the insights and recommendations gained through this process and will serve as a reference for ICNSW as it coordinates future action to advance the issues raised.

In the immediate term, eight key areas were identified to support the community to recover and thrive:

  1. Address community trauma and peace building
  2. Grow awareness and utilisation of mental health support
  3. Address inequality and accelerate growth
  4. Combat COVID-19 complacency and support those in recovery
  5. Invest in education and support children in transition back to school
  6. Improve leadership and capacity building for community organisations
  7. Re-imagine the role of religious organisations and support provided
  8. Reconciliation and truth-telling to build trust between the community and Government

In addition, several priority areas were identified to help inform the response to future health crises (COVID-19 or other) in NSW:

  • Make information more accessible to local communities
  • Enhance support for vulnerable communities
  • Provide impacted families with practical advice as well as health advice
  • Amplify the efforts of community organisations and professionals to reach more people
  • Improve access to culturally appropriate health advocates
  • Review processes for home quarantine including patient clearance
  • Consider the potential for mosques to play a role in emergency responses
  • Review policing protocols for enforcement of public health measures
  • Assess existing communication channels and ways to improve interagency communication in emergency situations
  • Improve connections between local grassroots community organisations and with Government


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